Sunday, January 20, 2013

Glass Stacks Everywhere

For the past couple of years the Boss has been collecting glass.  She has gone to flea markets, estate sales, thrift stores, and any other place glass objects may be found.  These shopping excursions have not just been in the local area, she also managed to pack a suitcase full of glass when we came home from Honolulu a couple of years ago.

The house was getting full.  Red, blue, green, brown, purple and clear plates, saucers, ashtrays, vases, and other things in cardboard boxes on shelves, on tables, under tables, on the floor, and in closets.

Not anymore.

She has been stacking like a mad woman!  She is the GlassStacker!


Now the glass stacks are everywhere.  She is still smiling.

Keep 'em running
The GlassStacker's Assistant

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