Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Cuban Cigar

OOOH, it has been so long I had to be completely retrained to get this thing going again.

The GlassStacker and I were in Cabo San Lucas last week and I thought it would be fun to smoke a Cuban cigar. Finding a place to buy the cigar was easy, apparently a good fraction of the gringo tourists want this experience so the cigars are very readily available, for a price. So I bought the stogie, not a small or large cigar, just a medium, very mild, smoke. The store clerk said it would take about a half hour or so to smoke.
Toward the end of our stay I realized that I might not be able to import this purchase into the US of A. This necessitated my smoking the cigar in Cabo San Lucas. Our week was nearly gone so the deed had to be done now.
On Thursday afternoon, I took a regular pair of scissors and just cut the end off the cigar. That done I hunted around for a book of matches, not easy to find in a non-smokers domain. I eventually found a book in the bathroom supplies. Now I had my stuff together.
Where to have this illicit pleasure. The Boss was adamant about one thing and suggestive about another. She was not going to have this event polluting her airspace. That seemed non-negotiable to me, so I planned around her airspace by going out on the beach to a location not too close to anybody. I had my own airspace. The other item that concerned her was that I might be sick. I had not even considered that possibility. How could that happen? Now I had to be isolated in case the unthinkable did happen. The beach was a good choice.
The beach was a good choice until I tried to light the cigar. A fresh breeze made that tough. Never mind that I am a reformed smoker who knows how to light a smoke in the wind. It took several tries, many tries, to get it going. On about the middle try, I burned my thumb! Rats. But joy, eventually I got it lit.
Joy is a fleeting thing, as only about five minutes elapsed before I decided to put the cigar out. I'd had enough. I will rationalize and say that I had all that I needed. Just that initial taste... Now that I was done, I couldn't leave a hot ember in the sand, somebody would step on it, so I had to get it all out and take the stub to a trash can. I enhanced my experience by burning my index finger putting the cigar out.
I didn't get sick, my thumb and finger are nearly healed, my moustache and beard only smelled of tobacco for a couple hours and I have enough money to pay my Visa bill when it comes next week. It was all worth it.

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