Thursday, September 24, 2009

The GlassStacker

By now some among you are wondering just what a glassstacker is or does. I am a bit pretentious as I have only one follower, the GlassStacker herself, and she already knows what she is doing. So on the off chance that there might eventually be another reader, here goes.

The photo below is of some of the dozens of glass stacks that are all around our yard and home. (Yes, that is a geodesic dome in the background, it is part of our screened deck.)

Stacks are made from whatever glass objects that can be found, inexpensively found, at the various thrift stores in our community and the surrounding area. We have also visited stores in faraway places and shipped glass in our checked luggage or by UPS because we found that interesting piece for the latest creation. In addition, our kids, friends, and neighbors all bring us glass. We have a lot of raw material around here.

The concept is easy to put down on a blog, one simply has to buy the glass, decide on an interesting arrangement, and stick it all together. If it were only that easy, I could do it. As the assistant, I have observed the process and recognize that I have neither the aptitude or the temperament for the task.

An interesting twist has been added to the sculptures the past few weeks. A small solar powered LED fits very nicely on top of the stack and the light from the LED projects through the glass with effects that are at once predictable and unexpected. We have spend many evenings watching and waiting for the first little lamp to turn on, then being in awe of the resulting patterns and colors produced as they all light up for us.
So much for today. Keep 'em running.

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