Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Tower View Model of the Solar System

Red Wing, Minnesota  25 August, 2015

In the spring of 1999, students and staff at Tower View Alternative School in Red Wing designed and began construction of a 1:600,000,000 scale model of our solar system.  The model was completed over 3 school years and is located on the grounds of the Anderson Center for the Arts and along the Cannon Valley Trail.  Markers for the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Earth are placed within the Marshall Reforestation Project Sculpture Park on the grounds at the Anderson Center.  The remaining planet markers can be found along the south side of the Cannon Valley Trail between the Tower View campus and a point approximately 1.5 km west of Welch Station.
Each marker conforms to the 1:600,000,000 scale of the model in image size and location.  The solar marker is a 2.3 meter diameter sundial that is placed in the Marshall Reforestation Project.  Individual planetary markers are cast concrete blocks bearing a scaled representation along with the name of each planet.  Pluto is included in the model as it was considered a planet at the time of the construction.

The Sundial at Tower View
N 44 degrees, 34.335 minutes
W 92 degrees, 38.333 minutes

N 44 degrees, 34.292 minutes
W 92 degrees, 38.376 minutes

N 44 degrees, 34.247 minutes
W 92 degrees, 38.385 minutes

Earth and Moon
N 44 degrees, 34.245 minutes
W 92 degrees, 38.470 minutes

N 44 degrees, 34.436 minutes
W 92 degrees, 38.446 minutes

N 44 degrees, 34.391 minutes
W 92 degrees, 39.212 minutes

N 44 degrees, 34.203 minutes
W 92 degrees, 40.014 minutes

N 44 degrees, 33.144 minutes
W 92degrees, 41.603 minutes

N 44 degrees, 33.785 minutes
W 92 degrees, 43.943 minutes

N 44 degrees, 33.239 minutes
W 92 degrees, 45.379 minutes

Thanks to the following:
Jones Family Foundation
Anderson Center
Cannon Valley Trail
Red Wing High School Metals Class, 1998-1999
Neufeldt Industrial Services
Tower View Students and Staff, 1998-2001